Advanced Culinary Arts
Advanced Culinary Arts prepares students for occupations and higher education programs of study related to the entire spectrum of careers in the food industry, including (but not limited to) food production and services; food science, dietetics, and nutrition; and baking and pastry arts. Major topics for this advanced course include: basic baking theory and skills, introduction to breads, introduction to pastry arts, nutrition, nutrition accommodations and adaptations, cost control and purchasing, and current marketing and trends. Instruction and intensive laboratory experiences include commercial applications of principles of nutrition, aesthetic, and sanitary selection; purchasing, storage, preparation, and service of food and food products; using and maintaining related tools and equipment; baking and pastry arts skills; managing operations in food service, food science, or hospitality establishments; providing for the dietary needs of persons with special requirements; and related research, development, and testing. Intensive laboratory experiences with commercial applications are a required component of this course of study. Student laboratory experiences may be either school-based or "on-the-job" or a combination of the two. Advanced Culinary Arts builds upon skills and techniques learned in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management, which must be successfully completed before enrolling in this advanced course. Work-based experiences in the food industry are strongly encouraged. A standards-based plan guides the students’ laboratory and work-based experiences. Students are monitored in these experiences by the Advanced Culinary Arts teacher. Articulation with postsecondary programs is encouraged.
- Recommended Grade Level: Grades 11 and 12
- Recommended Prerequisites: Introduction to Culinary Arts
- Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas
- This course is aligned with postsecondary courses for Dual Credits