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Construction Technology

construction student works in the lab


Do you like to work with your hands? Would you like to join a construction crew with your classmates and actually frame a house or complete a community-based project? Construction Technology is for you! In this program you’ll gain hands on training in carpentry, electrical, heating, air conditioning, painting, drywalling, plumbing, and masonry. Thanks to a partnership with the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters, second-year students could qualify for direct entry to the apprentice program upon graduation.

Laporte County Career and Technical Education Enroll Now Graphic

Click on the image below to view the brochure to learn more.

First page of the PDF file: ConstructionHandout-Both

Learn more!

Thanks to a partnership with the Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters, A.K. Smith Construction students who complete required coursework can receive direct entry into the Carpenters' Apprenticeship program, shortening the apprenticeship by one year!